Darkening, redness, or a bluish tinge in your hands and feet that you can’t explain could be an indication of cancer or other underlying health issues.

Conditions like melanoma or other malignancies that impact the skin or blood circulation may be linked to changes in the skin.
Inexplicable hand or foot swelling, particularly if it persists or gets worse over time, may indicate an underlying problem, such as cancer.
This can be a consequence of cancer treatment or connected to the spread of malignancy. Additionally, swelling could indicate lymphedema (fluid retention), which can happen in some malignancies, or a blood clot.
Pain or Numbness:
Unexpected pain, tingling, or numbness in your hands or feet may be an indication of nerve damage brought on by cancer or its treatment.
This is especially crucial when the cancer has gone to the nerves, as in the case of prostate, lung, or bone cancer.
Changes in Nails:
Cancer may occasionally be connected to abnormalities in the nails, such as thickness, discoloration, or the formation of white or purple streaks.
For instance, black striations beneath the nails may be a sign of melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Additionally, nails may become brittle, discolored, or grow vertical ridges as a result of cancer therapies like chemotherapy.